Know your English skill through Free English Level Test

There are probably a lot of people that are wondering how good their English is. Knowing how good you are in the language could determine how much you have to spend burning the midnight oil to make it better or if you could pass tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. You could be able to get an idea about your English speaking skills through the help of the Free English Level Test of It is the English speaking test that an online English teacher evaluates while talking with you 1-to-1. After having the test, you will know what the best next steps you should take are.


Apart from knowing how proficient you are in the English language, this test can also help you know what English class you should be in. If you are not yet that good in English, you could jump the bandwagon and be in an English class. Not only will you be great in the language but soon enough you can take the tests that are mentioned earlier or any Cambridge certificates. The Free English Level Test could provide you all of those advantages so taking it will be like hitting two birds with one stone.

Free English Level Test

You can get the result of your English Speaking Level Test

You can know your English skill with the Free English Level Test that will be given by proficient English teachers over Skype.  They will evaluate your speaking ability, comprehension skills as well as your grammar. They use evaluation methodology that follows international standards to assure that they could assess your English skills well. Taking this is very much a great advantage if you are preparing yourself to take examinations for Cambridge certificates.


The Free English Level Test will be able to scientifically show you what level you are by going through five areas: comprehension/listening, speaking/fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Based on your score, they can evaluate you as Beginner, Intermediate, Advance or Native.


This Free English Level Test is done via Skype. If you wish to take classes, you could also have it in real time. This is really good as they could guide you through the whole nine yards of what you have to know to improve your English. Soon enough you could be good in English and be able to get the advantages that it offers you. But most of all, you could definitely prepare yourself and gain confidence to pass examinations that you need or wish for.


Teachers will be able to gauge your English skill through asking you about some topics. This will help them know what is needed to be done to you after you take the test. If you decide on going with an English class online via Skype with the same teachers that assessed you, they will know what level you are and what they should teach you. You don’t have to worry as this is not an exam and this will be done in a friendly atmosphere to let you enjoy learning the language. All you have to do is answer with what you can to let them know how proficient you are in English.


If you want to learn how good you are in English, you can visit




burning the midnight oil – working on something up until late at night

jump the bandwagon – joining something that is in trend at the moment

hitting two birds with one stone – getting two or more benefits with just one work

the whole nine yards – this means everything

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